wird serious sam 2 unter linux laufen?


wird serious sam 2 unter linux laufen? habe gestern suse10 installiert und es rennt wie sau, will nicht auf sam verzichten müssen.


Staff member

Seriouzone has interviewed Admir Elezovic, art director at Croteam about Serious Sam II. He stated that the Linux version will be shipped with a patch later on. As soon as it is bugfree and stable.

One of the big things about the new engine is its portability across platforms, currently supporting Windows, Linux, and the XBOX. What can you tell us about the Linux version of the game and will it be available at the same time as the Windows release? Also, will there be a freely downloadable dedicated linux server?

Admir - Its still early to talk about it...it still needs polishing and some work to be stable and bug free. Hopefully, it will be released in a future patch.
